Haircut opens up the world [Picture Added!]


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Today I gave one of my 3 month old polish pullets a haircut. It opened up a whole new world for her. I've been a little concerned about her as she didn't move around much and sort of slept a lot. I gave her a good once over and the only thing I could find was that she could not see. I mean she was blind as a bat. She had been using one of the other polish pullets as a seeing eye chicken. I was afraid that I had a blind chicken on my hands. Well, I decided to try trimming her crest as it was very full, lo and behold she can see.
She is soooo excited! She is running all over the place and has even gone out in their run which she has never done. Now I know to keep her crest trimmed. I guess I can't call her Blind Betty any more, just Betty.

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Wow! She's got a whole new world to explore.
I've always wondered why breeds with such crests or overlong feathers that cover the eyes are desired? What was the initital facination: is it the oddity? or is there a specific purpose for the crest originally? Like eye protection in extremely bright/sunny conditions

Just thinking out loud, but if anyone knows, I'm interested in learning.

Anyway, hurray for no-longer-blind Betty!!
I too have a polish hen that has to have haircuts. Since I started giving her haircuts she has gained a lot of weight (she could not find or see her food). She is able to keep with the flock and not get "lost" now. It was funny when I first cut her crest, she kept tilting her head and looking up! I guess she had never seen what was "up" before.
Haha, yeah, crested birds are interesting to look at but when it comes to being a chicken... are at times a bit lacking. I wanted some show quality silkies, but after looking at them and looking at the rest of my flock... decided that birds that can't see danger wasn't the best idea. That was the problem with my polish. They couldn't see anything and just didn't thrive like the others.
Thanks for the tip! We have some polish hens, as well, and one of them is a little "off" - her name is dizzy and I bet a haricut would do wonders for her!
awww! poor thing, glad you figured out to try that. she must be so excited. now she is bright eyed- betty
can you post pictures of her?
I am so glad you posted this because I have the same problem with our polish, Shelton. (a.k.a. Blind-o) I'm going to give him a haircut and see if that improves his world. I noticed that he lays down a lot and it just occured to me the other day that he can't see anything unless it is right in front of his face.

Shelton's gonna get a haircut and a new life!

Take care,


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