Hallelujah our first egg on Thanksgiving morning


Chicken Tender
8 Years
Jun 24, 2011
King George, VA
My Coop
My Coop
What a great thing for which to give thanks! Way to go Snow White! She will be 19 weeks old on Saturday - our only White Leghorn pullet and only pullet old enough to lay. The next layers are at least 4 weeks behind her.

So exciting!

Congratulations and many, many more!!!

What a wonderful thing for which to be thankful. I have been getting 7-9 eggs a day from my 10 girls for about 3 months, and it hasn't gotten old. It's still exciting and AMAZING to me that these girls take grass, bugs and feed and turn it into one of nature's healthiest foods...every day! How do they DO it??!!

You should scramble it and put it on a plate for everyone to have a bite a dinner tonight. Enjoy!!
How wonderful! Praise God for His creatures who provide for us in glorious ways. Gathering eggs never gets boring
May there be many more for Snow White and the rest of your flock! Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you all for your kind words - it's funny but I was quite shocked to see the egg in there. I know I have been anxious for her to start laying, but it still was a surprize. At first I thought it was a joke or maybe something else - then when it occurred to me it was an egg I rushed to the house and had my son bring me the camera. Then the kids and I ran back out to the coop to take the picture. LOL! What a great surprize. I can't wait to see if I get another one tomorrow. This is like Christmas every day!

The journey only took about 22 weeks.

It started with this

And went to this

then to this

To this

To this

To this

Next up - to our plate! The circle of life
Yeah we got a second egg! I guess it may be a continuing thing - way to go Snow White! The eggs are still smaller then expected, but I suppose they'll get larger as she goes. Just 10 more days and I should have a dozen



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