Happy Chicks!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 6, 2014
My Red Stars, Leghorns and one Araucana (sp?) are happy in their bigger abode! The garage is finally warm enough for them, I think the heat lamp is done except at night, they aren't huddling at all, except to sleep.
Since you're brooder is made out of wood, you should see if you can fit a little baby roost in there for them, some of them will take up to that to sleep on at night.

Sure are looking cute though!
The rod across the middle of the coop is an old shower curtain rod, it's about 1 foot up, they roost on it. Not sure if they are sleeping up there, but all of them get up there at one time or another. Fatmore, my Leghorn, and Cheeseball, my sons Red are the main ones to hang out on it.

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