Happy Thanksgiving!

Lady Marion

In the Brooder
12 Years
Oct 24, 2007


Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for my faith, my family, and my farm critters. I am also thankful for CAYENNE PEPPER and GINGER, which cured my four turkeys from blackhead disease! The entire flock had the symptoms. These Toms suffered stunted growth. Today's bird is "only" 23.4 pounds, compared to last year's bird, which was 40 lbs at the same age, but given the fact that I nearly had five dead turkeys, this is quite a victory! Next year's birds will get treated with cayenne from the start so I never have to deal with the horror of blackhead again.

Judy, The good looking guy on the right looks a little nervous!
I hope he doesn't know what day it is today~ All kidding aside, great looking turkeys. And Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

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