Hard lumps on chickens legs


Jan 26, 2015
New Zealand
Hi all - our little banty cross chicken has developed a large 1"L x 1/2"H x 1/4"W hard lump on each leg.

They appear to be a bit tender when touched.

She also has scaly leg mite, which we are dealing to, but at a loss as to what to do about these lumps.

She seems to have lost all the scales off her legs?

She is favoring one leg when when walking as well.

Has anyone seen anything like this and know what to do about it?

Any help gratefully received

What have you been treating her legs with? I would be tempted to coat them with antibiotic ointment - without the nupercainol.
Hi there - we've been washing her legs in teatree oil shampoo, then coating heavily with vaseline daily. (Only noticed them 3 days ago).

She has been broody for ages, hence we didn't notice her legs

Not sure what nupercainol. is? I am in New Zealand - may not be available here?

It's the lumps that are the worry - we are dealing to the scaley leg mites, but don't know what the lumps are or how to treat them.
Nupercainol is an antipain agent included in some of the antibiotic ointments here. I asked what you were using because her legs look a bit inflamed to me. I think that the lumps me be residual crust and exudate from the mite infestation. Keep applying ointment and Vaseline to them and they should eventually soften and break off. She is a really pretty hen. Hopefully you can get her back to good health.
Thank you - she only lays bantam sized eggs, but that's not a problem She is such a beautiful little thing and very friendly.

She came to us with "bumpy legs", (you can kind of see them in the photo - taken when we first bought her), but we didn't realise it was a lice problem.

We certainly will persevere with the legs - they are looking better already after three intensive days of treating them.

I hope you're right and the lumps will come off eventually. I've never seen this before, but guess most things are treatable if you know what you're dealing with.

Cheers and have a great day....
Hi again - Sourlands I thought I'd update you on these banty legs.

We soaked her legs in warm Teatree oil shampoo solution this morning, dried them off and sprayed with Betadine, (Iodine based antiseptic spray for animals- just in case you don't have it in the States). Then coated again with vaseline.

I am soooo happy to report a vast improvement - the remaining scales on her feet are now flat and one of the lumps has dropped off as you suggested, leaving the leg looking really clean! The other lump feels loose too, so may come off overnight.

Hopefully, now all the missing scales on her legs will come back.

Hope this thread is of help to anyone else with scaley leg mite problems.

It is greatly appreciated that people will give up their time to help out the rest of us, who don't have quite the same level of expertise, so many thanks, once again.

Good update. She may not regrow scales - just depends upon the extent of damage, but she will do fine with 'skin' legs. My bald head does fine without protection. Of course I can wear a hat.

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