Hard molt or mites?


In the Brooder
Oct 28, 2018
Our top-hat had a hard molt this summer and her head was last to go. It then seemed she got pecked. But now we are wondering could this be mites? It has been about a month her head feathers have been working on coming in. No one else in the flock has been affected and rest of her body looks good. I can't visibly see any mites or other type bugs.

Appreciate thoughts and suggestions!
That looks like a whole lot of pecking damage to me. I would definitely keep her separated for a good long while to see if it improves. You could dust her with a pyrethrin based poultry dust just to be sure. Is it your only polish?
Thank you!! She is the only Polish, two silkies, three production reds. Big coop and run, free range in large yard nights and weekends. We have a coop and run camera, she seems to hold her own in the pecking order, we had a about a week where the normally nice Reds were picking on the timid silkie, then noticed our Polish would run at and peck the Reds unprovoked and the timid one was coming out in the coop and had more confidence again. Should we not eat her eggs for while after dusting with pyrethrin?
I personally would advise against combining production reds with polish and silkies. They aren't compatible as you are seeing.

You can dust your birds and continue to eat the eggs. Just wash before use.

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