Has anyone crossed a polish and an Ameraucana??


11 Years
Jan 11, 2009
I have a Golden laced polish hen and a beautiful ameraucana roo. I am wanting to hatch some of her eggs but wondering if anyone has some pics of this cross and if theirs lay green eggs. Would LOVE to see some pics!
I dont know for sure if this is what your asking but Im pretty sure this is a polish with a rumpless Ameraucauna- those were the breeds that the eggs came from-mine has no rump/tailfeathers and very green legs!

oops I boo-booed that one huh? thank you?-I posted her? last night asking for sex and breed -so I looked up the website where I purchased eggs- and it is the only mix that it could be to look like that and the colors! I got 1 boy and 1 girl!!! I am going to seperate them from the others come fall and hope for eggies to hatch out!
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