Has anyone ever seen this?


Nov 1, 2015
Pensacola Florida
I got two SLW from a seed and feed shop back in May. One has developed normally and is laying. Her sister seems to have stopped developing...the comb and wattle stopped growing and is still pink. Has anyone ever seen this?
I tried to upload a pic but it's not working
Sounds like something could be wrong with her, either a disease, or something internal, have you noticed any symptoms that might indicate she's sick, things like Mareks will show up around five months, and climate change in the fall can stress them enough to become ill, combs will shrink and lose their color when they are unwell, or when going out of lay. So check her over good.
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Then I would just give her time, as Happy Chocks said some can be slower to develop. I'm glad to hear she is healthy.

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