Has anyone ever seen this??


5 Years
Mar 25, 2014
I noticed last week My 3 month old silkies beak was crooked... She wast born this way and still eats just fine (that I've noticed). My flock is pretty gental and sweet besides the normal pecking order pecks. Has anyone else ever seen this or know what caused it or if there's a cure? Thanks
It looks like cross beak/ scissor beak. As far as I know (which isn't a much on this subject) there isn't a cure. The problem would be that it can worsen over time and interfere with eating and drinking. Also, I wouldn't breed this chicken.

Keep a close eye on your chick to make sure she's getting enough to eat and drink. Unfortunately, your chick's beak seems pretty crossed.
Hi Blindchix
I have had a number of chickens like this over the years...
Like Simz said... do not use this one for breeding... she will pass this on to her chicks...

I had a hen that lived to a good old age and I have hatched others that had to be culled as they got thinner and thinner.... the scissoring seems to get worse as they age.

Deep food and water dishes seem to help.
Good luck with your little silkie.

Thanks guys! I LOVE the artical and going to try and fix her eating area. I thought one of my other birds pecked her but sissor beak is 100% what she has. Wish us luck. I hope she can live a few years

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