Has this ever happened to you?


Froths Milk for Hard Cash
11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Tacoma, WA
I was in the kitchen making dinner when I found myself rudely interrupted!

Nope, can't say that I've ever had a Barred Rock land on the top of my head.... and our chickens are confined to the coop and run so they'd never make it into the house. I'm afraid if that happened to my sweetheart, I'd be rehoming all of the chicks toot-sweet.
Yes-when my girls were about 10-12 weeks old I started to hold my arms straight out to see if I could get them to fly up to roost. I only had one girl that would fly up to my arm and then decide to fly up a little higher to my head. Really surprised me the first time she did it, though after that I was prepared.
The last few times she gets to my arm and settles right down. Probably figures she was high enough off the ground, or she's just getting lazy.
Aren't chickens fun? I love 'em.
Never had one on my head, however they love to try to sneak in the house and I think its just going to be a matter of time before they figure out the doggie door. Regardless, they seem to enjoy the hammock and park bench.
Thats to funny!!!
That happens to me almost every time I step out the back door. I have 2 of my girls that think I the "treat machine" and if they land on top of me they get the most treats!
And we have to be really careful shutting the back door...there is a line of chickens that are always trying to walk in the house.
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Had an EE land on my head while trying to escape on the first night home with me.

My 4 year old granddaughter was a witness and still cracks up now at the age of 9. She thought that was really funny

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