hatcheries that ship to northern maryland


In the Brooder
Nov 11, 2015
Hereford, Maryland
i had a flock of six chickens but sadly the fox has killed 5 of them and i would like to get more chicks but i am too impatient to wait til spring to get them from tractor supply, i had bad experiences hatching duckling eggs about a month and a half ago so i would prefer live chicks but i dont know where to start or where to get them from.
First, are you certain you have made your coop and run predator proof now? I'd hate to see you get more chicks and then lose them to predators.

The single remaining hen is very lonely. It is tough for a hen to be by herself.

If you order from a hatchery, you will most likely need to purchase 25 chicks for shipping warmth. Even then a bit of bad weather is pretty dangerous to day-old chicks and shipping losses are higher this time of year, one of the big reasons the farm stores don't generally stock chicks until March or April.

I am almost 2 hours away from you, but I am starting to hatch chicks already, and should have a bunch to sell in mid to late January.
where are you not located and what kind of chicks? i could probably drive to get them depending how far it is, i don't want to wait til the end of March to get less than 25 chickens and the hen in there now is going crazy!
Murray McMurray sells 24 week old started pullets. Meyer, I think, does too. There is not a huge choice of breeds to choose from at that age, but a reasonable number. There is not a number requirement either, as they are fully feathered, and almost ready to lay. I am very pleased with the pullets I got from them. They also sell 4-6 week old chicks. They are feathered and do not require a brooder, but in your climate you might want to offer heat. More breeds to choose from at 4-6 weeks old, too.

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