Hatchery chicks versus actual day-olds


7 Years
Jul 12, 2012
Port Orford, Oregon
Yesterday I went to a local brooder and bought three chicks who had just hatched a few hours prior. In the past I have only bought chicks from the feed store after they'd been shipped a very long way, so this is my first time with actual day-old chicks. They're Egyptian Fayoumis, a breed that is extremely alert and active, yet I'm a bit worried because they're sleeping pretty much all the time. They run like heck as soon as I approach the brooder, and they're already getting difficult to hold in one hand when I wipe their butts because they squirm so much, but other than that, it's pretty much just sleeping. I haven't even seen much eating and drinking today. Is it just normal for chicks this young to sleep all the time?

Quite normal. Just like all new babies, they sleep a lot the first few days. When my broodies hatch, I might not even see the chicks for the first 2-3 days. They stay tucked under her, absorbing the remains of their yolks. Very cute chicks!

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