Hatching duck eggs


In the Brooder
Jul 19, 2015
I have a few ducks, and they have been laying eggs for about 3 months.
The process of hatching eggs is like chickens? One of the ducks will get broody and I will place eggs in her nest and it will sit on the eggs and after a few weeks voila! ... ?
What should I know about ducks and hatching their eggs?
I have a few ducks, and they have been laying eggs for about 3 months.
The process of hatching eggs is like chickens? One of the ducks will get broody and I will place eggs in her nest and it will sit on the eggs and after a few weeks voila! ... ?
What should I know about ducks and hatching their eggs?

You didn't say what breed you have ?

Here is some information on hatching water fowl

hatching duck eggs is a little more complicated than hatching chicken eggs from all I have read. I usually let my Muscovy's do the hatching if we want ducklings.. And just as with chickens some ducks just don't go broody.

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