hatching egg period ,some one help


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
Someone please help.
Right so i started my incubation on Wednesday the 10th in the evening at about 5:00 pm .Does this count as day one?or is it the next day?
I se mine off on a Friday at around the same time as you and then Saturday was my day one.
I would count this as day 0 and Thursday as day one. I am currently in lockdown on my first incubation. I am not an expert but have done a lot of research and watched my sister n laws first incubation.
The rule I go by is, if I set them before noon then its day 1, if its after noon then I count it as day zero. And I make a note of it in case I'm stressing about a lack of progress in that last day of lockdown

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