hatching silkie eggs


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 13, 2012
My hen went broody, but I am not sure if the eggs are fertile. How long do I have to wait to candle them?
Can you hatch eggs that have been in the fridge?
Can a silkie chicken mate with a rhode island red?

I moved my hen inside in a brooding box, and it is in the garage. Should I turn a heat lamp on for her?
Well, you will definatly see something by day 7 if it is fertile. If you are really experienced you can start seeing things by day 4 I think. I'm not too good at candling, but I see things around day 5.

Yes and no, if the eggs are in the frigde more than 1/2 an hour hatchability rates decrease faster and faster.

Yes, a silkie can mate with a RIR.

Is your garage heated? If so, she will be fine without a heat lamp. Only if it is really cold you should give her one.

Hope this helps and PM me if you have anymore questions!

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