Hate waiting for a shipment...UPDATED, they arrived *PICS*


6 Years
Jul 9, 2013
Caribou, Maine (almost in Canada!)
My girls were shipped from Meyer Hatchery yesterday, supposed to be arriving sometime tomorrow (I live at the very tip of Maine, long trek!!). I forgot how stressful it is waiting for a shipment of chicks, I didn't sleep much at all last night worrying, and probably won't sleep much tonight either. Our low temps are high 30's, low 40's, so hopefully with the heat pack the hatchery supplies, the girls will be alright. Still doesn't stop me from worrying. Today is going to be a long day, so excited and nervous!!
I have 1 Easter Egger, 1 Black copper Marans, 1 Blue Ameraucana, 1 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, 1 salmon favorelle and 3 blue silkies coming. Keep your fingers crossed they arrive ok tomorrow!!
Fingers crossed!

I'm in the central part of the state, so I'm anxious to hear how it all goes for you. Our order from Meyer ships next Monday.
Keep us posted!
Post office called at 5:30am to come pick up my shipment. The box was in AWFUL shape, I was terrified I was going to have no living chicks due to stress, as it looks like the box went through the ringer.

There was 1 DOA (my black copper marans)
, and there is a BLRW that is pretty lethargic compared to the others. She doesn't want to eat, and will only drink if I dip her beak in the water. I have sav a chick electrolytes and probiotics in the water, and attempted to give her a drop of nutri drench, but not sure if she got any (hard to give a tiny chick something with a syringe)

But the others seem to be doing great. Running around, eating well, drinking. Here are a few pictures, not the greatest shots but I don't want to handle the chicks too much today to help with stress.

BLRW (looking a bit lethargic)

Blue Ameraucana

Blue silkie #1

Blue silkie #2 (they are such different colors for both being blues)

Buff silkie

The crew checking out the brooder

Easter Egger

Warming up under ecoglow

Salmon Favorelle

They are ridiculously adorable, just really hoping the BLRW makes it. Any tips on how to perk her up?
oh how cute! I think doa on arrival would have devastated me first time out! hopefully the rest perk up and are fine! Good Luck! Was your last batch Meyer too?

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