I was at Southern States picking up bedding when i saw a little Columbian Rock Rhode island Red getting her eyes pecked. I asked about it and the man there said that maybe a chick accidentally pecked her while feeding and then they just kept on doing it. I felt so bad for her that i offered to take her and another chick who was getting pecked for free. He said yes and i took them home. I thought they were blind, but they were not. the second chick i noticed wasn't moving around as much and she died the next saturday. The one left was so lonely, i got a gold laced and silver laced wyondottes to keep her company. Now they are fourteen week old pullets and the one that had her eyes pecked is beautiful, the skin around her eyes is deformed, but her feathers are gorgeous. The wyondottes and her are best friends. They run around together in their run and know when one is missing. When i let them out among the big chickens, they stick together in a little group. They will be laying in about five weeks. Super excited!