I hear peeping under my broody and saw two little faces peeking out! I was on day 19 for my count but I must be off some. There are 14 eggs under her and so far I can only hear two peeping so have another day to go, I guess. I am SO excited! I love watching the little chicks running around with mom. I sure hope the other eggs are good. I love using a broody but I bet watching them hatch in the incubator is something. I can only hear knocking and pecking under the hen, no visual, darn. They will be either pure Cochin or mixed Cochin with Australop. (I have two roos).
Mine has hatched 4 and has 2 more eggs. It is fun to just have them hatch but it does stink to not see the process unfold. They are some happy babies though.
Yes, I think so , too, nothing like a broody and her chicks. My little Serama chickies under Big Momma should hatch out probably tonight, but I know at least one is already hatched, because I quickly felt under her and there were some tiny legs.
But yes, I do wish I could see what was happening.
Reminds me of the thread about the woman with the extended family who wanted to be present when she gave birth. Some things are just better done in private!
That is funny. I'm sure she would like privacy but so far she hasn't told me to get out of her face so I just lay there on the coop floor staring at her and listening for more peeps!! I'd love to reach under her and see what's there but I'm afraid she would move around and I don't want her stepping on the babies or shifting her large wgt and suffocating any, .... so patiently I wait. I sure hope they all hatch soon and not a couple of days process as that would be hard on the first borns.
I'm going to be dealing with that in the next day or two. My broody is very tame, I can take her off the nest and get her to eat/drink, or hand feed her on the nest. She is really my only pet chicken, and has been for months. I could walk up to her in the yard and pick her up. I'm hoping this will be a neat experience, even for the grandkids, with supervision.
Okay, I had to be out of town today while they were hatching....just got home and did a head count and it has gone from 2 chicks to 10 chicks!! I know there were 14 eggs under her so am giving her until tomorrow, to see if those other 4 hatch. I was able to pull out 2 eggs and they are real heavy but I hear no pips going on. I'm assuming if they have not hatched by tomorrow that they are not going to hatch? How do you tell if I need to let her sit longer on those last eggs? Is it poss. they developed more slowly because they were the outside eggs and cooler? She won't leave the nest with those eggs under her and I don't want the little ones to starve to death. Any suggestions anyone? Sharon