Heartbreaking night. Lost one of my babies


5 Years
Nov 7, 2014
Very sad night tonight. I found one of my Indian runner drakes dead. He was acting a little more shy then normal but was still eating/ drinking. I have no idea what happened to him. He was in with another runner drake who they were hatched together and always stuck to each other like glue.

My huge concern is now my other runner is by himself. He's been quacking for his brother for hours and I don't know what If there's anything I can do. Is he okay alone? Would he even accept another one? I feel so bad for him and want to do anything I can so he isn't as heart broken. I just want my little baby happy. Please and suggestions or info would be much appreciated.

RIP Olaf
8/5/14 - 7/12/16

Very sad night tonight. I found one of my Indian runner drakes dead. He was acting a little more shy then normal but was still eating/ drinking. I have no idea what happened to him. He was in with another runner drake who they were hatched together and always stuck to each other like glue.

My huge concern is now my other runner is by himself. He's been quacking for his brother for hours and I don't know what If there's anything I can do. Is he okay alone? Would he even accept another one? I feel so bad for him and want to do anything I can so he isn't as heart broken. I just want my little baby happy. Please and suggestions or info would be much appreciated.

RIP Olaf
8/5/14 - 7/12/16

So sorry for your loss
Yes, he needs a buddy. You can try putting a mirror in with him for now. Good luck.

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