Heat/Cold tollerant breeds


15 Years
Jan 31, 2008
NW Oregon
I have a friend who lives High Desert in Southern CA
She is is currently building a coop and we have been looking at breeds.

In the Summer 110 or hotter happens! But it as they say "is a dry heat"
in the winter it is often in the 20s at night.

The chickens will have a secure coop as well as being able to range in a large fenced area 60x80' - She also has horses and dogs and knows how to care for animals in general in the heat.

Does she need to be concerned about any breeds not being able to handle the heat?
she is looking at the following breeds

Silver Laced Wyandottes
Plymoth Rock barred or Partridge
Easter egger
Black Australorp
Sex links
Rhode Island Red

I think all of those are pretty good breeds for what the friend is looking.
No doubt, they will all show more signs of heat distress than with the cold.
When it gets that hot, what can handle it with ease!?
Hey, I live in the low desert, our summers always are 110-120F every day.

I would say most of those listed should do ok, except I did have Welsummers, the roosters died during the summers which surprised me but there it is.

I know people in the area who have or had sex links, RIR and EE, those had no or few problems with the heat.

I would not recommend any large breed with leg feathering, including Brahmas, a friend was a Brahma breeder, she did have problems with some roosters and occasional hen suffering heat stroke.. she had to go all out with water and cooling methods to prevent problems with hers.

The best breed as for the summers are Naked Necks(Turkens), they tolerate the cold well, there are plenty of people who have them out in the midwest so 20's should not be a problem for them. My flock has a lot of naked necks, they just seem to go through the summers better than anything else. Your friend should give 2 or 3 pullets a try..
Thanks for the feedback do far,
for those in HOT climates are there some breeds that I listed that lay better in the heat?
I understand what great stress heat puts on animals, just curious.
If she would be interested in bantams, I just read that Serama bantams do GREAT in temps 90 to 100 degrees F. However, if the temp drops below 40 degrees F, you may need to provide a light near their roost for extra warmth. The article I read suggested placing them in a warm room with the lights on below 40. My Silkie Serama breeding pair have been just fine at 28 degrees F closed up in the coop. The whole coop is made of tin, and I use deep Pine Shavings on the floor of the coop.
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My Black Australorps lay best in the colder weather, I read a breed description & choose them for cold tolerance. Their black feathers seem to absorb heat more , so they stay warmer in winter weather, they are running true to that. My Ameraucanas seem to be better summer/heat layers. The two work well as layers year round here in Oregon. Best wishes.
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Wyandottes aren't overly dry heat tolerant. I had two and they suffered quite a bit during our local heat. We had to put out frozen milk jugs of water to keep them from being 100% miserable. They laided well in the winter but I don't think I'd ever choose them again because of the cushion comb which limits how well they can cool themselves.

I second Egyptian Fayoumis. Also, leghorns, Andalusians, Golden Campines and Sicilian Buttercups would all work. I think it'd be easier to heat a coop at night then lose a chicken to the heat.

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