Heat requirements?


14 Years
May 3, 2007
North Central MS
I saw on another post where someone said broilers don't require as much heat as normal chicks. Mine are Two weeks old now, they still have their heat lamp....should I be phasing it out? I rose it the other day but as it got colder in here, they were all huddled...
I saw that too..... I would imagine their constant eating makes them warmer... but mine also grow so fast that their feathers do not cover them sufficently
So I dunno
I was wondering the same thing.
It seems to me more that just, because they get larger faster, they outgrow the need for heat sooner. (despite some bald patches).

I'd go by their behavior. If they huddled under it', personally I'd err on the side of caution and leave it as it is. I mean, it is *possible* they are being wussies and just like sitting in the spa, but do you want to find out the hard way?

JMO, good luck,

A chicken is a chicken, the main rule is they need to by feathered out before exposed to much cold. You should also reduce there tempature slowly, But it can be a bit faster as they are close to be feathered at 3 weeks. Where a standard breed may take 6 to 8 weeks.

But cold or warm tempatures place stress on them, which alters there rate of growth.

We do have a couple that are not feathering out that well. But between the heat lamps and body warmth of the others they seem to be doing ok. The night temps here are about 25, days have been about 30 to 50 for the last week or so they have been out in the pourlty barn

Ours are doing ok at a little over three weeks old.

Yes, they have different heat requirements. At week three, they can handle being without a heat lamp as long as the weather is below freezing at night. I put mine out at three weeks and just turn heat lamps on them at night. Phase the heat out though- raise your lamps a couple of inches every couple of days for the last week or so in the brooder.

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