
10 Years
Apr 20, 2009
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Temperatures are climbing here in Alabama into the high 90s it is going to be 98 degrees with a heat index of around 105. At what temperatures do chickens get heat stress? When should I start putting electrolytes in their water?
I have a box fan on them and run a mister during the hottest part of the day.
Chickens can get stressed over many things. The question is how enclosed is the area you are keeping them in? A box fan does no good if its just circulating super heated air. Therefor the most important thing is air circulation and to be kept with access to an outside pen with shade or an insulated coop.

I live in AR , temps here regularly get into the high 90's , heat index 100. and have never lost a chicken to heat.

Plenty of water, plenty of shade and minimize other stress factors.
I agree with Mark. My chickens are doing fine in our current heat. They have lots of places to lay out in the shade. I'll be adding the poultry electrolytes to their water this week because it really does seem to help.
from another post and I few things ive known are to freeze soda jugs, and put them infront of the boxed fans to blow cooler air....freeze wtaermelon or fruit chunks, and give to them to cool them off, put ice cubes in water, ect ect. Its so hot in fl right now,or at least it seems to be hotter than usualy with all of this humidity lately, but those things have worked well for me
Thanks for the replies. My coop is in the shade of my Japanese maple trees but the run gets a good bit of sun, especially in the heat of the day. The area under the coop is shade. I also have the run covered with 80% shade cloth. One very good suggestion was to use a reflective barrier which should deflect/reflect most of the radiant heat. I plan to pick some up at the hardware store today. Thanks again for the suggestions.
Good garden o' peas, it's barely in the mid 70's here in NY. I would love a 90's day or two. Course our new Governor would probably find a way to put a tax on it! @##$$%%^^&&*
Trust me! The high 90s are ummm....okay for now. There's been a light breeze blowing for the last few days. Come July & August we won't be able to buy a breath of air.
I've lived in Florida and Arkansas (amongst other places). Arkansas' summers are the worst!
One of my chickens and one of my rabbits died today and I think it had to have been from the heat. It's the first time I have ever lost one to heat stress and I felt really bad. It's been getting in the 100's here already this year and no rain at all for at least a month. I do what I can but unfortunately animals have to be pretty heat-tolerant to survive here!
I understand rabbits especially are very sensitive to over heating.
I am sorry for your loss.
I bought some reflectix insulation at Lowes ~ $30 for 2X25 ft. It is like alluninium foil with bubble wrap between the layers it is supposed to reflect the heat from the sun. I am a little concerned that it will relect too much heat onto the underside leaves of my Japanese Maple trees that cover the coop (the run gets sun from about 1:00pm till ~ 3:00pm and is in a corner of the garden. We raised the fences to 7' to keep the neighbors for seeing the chickens, but this has reduced the air flow so I also have a box fan on them. I got it at Walmart for $14.50. I have put a temperature gauge on the run to monitor how effective it is.
I plan to use what I have left over to insulate the hot water heater so nothing goes to waste.

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