Heat tolerant, dual purpose breed that needs conservation?


17 Years
May 17, 2007
I am still trying to figure out which breed is going to work for us here in SC. It gets hellish hot and humid in the summer here and so far the breeds I have had have been lovely except with how they cope with the heat! We want a chicken that can be a good layer as well as good eating for the extra roos. Ideally we would like to be part of 'helping' one of the breeds that is endangered. I also want a breed that is friendly and is generally non aggressive as we have small kids.

Some of the breeds I am thinking of: Salmon Faverolles, Delawares, Australorps, Brahma (haven't heard great things about their laying abilities though...)

We have had: Large cochins, Buff Orps, Welsummers, Speckled sussex. All of these are really nice but (except for the wellie who will be facing her first summer here) really don't cope with the heat well at all. The wellie roos are pretty slim pickin's for eating though and the Speckled Sussex are pretty tough to pluck. Otherwise I really like these breeds. Just want one that is not such high maintenance in this climate.
Do you know of any breeds from those places that fit my requirements relatively closely? Interested in the answer...
When I moved to SC in July of 2006 I brought with me my Ameraucanas, Araucanas, Cochins, Buff Brahmas, RIRs, and Yokohamas. All these guys did just fine considering they had never really experienced any real high humidity, and had rode in a truck for 2680 miles.
I have a friend who has Buff Orphingtons here in Ga. They lay good and are like lap dogs. I helped him change a tire once and they stood around us in case we needed help. He loves them and I plan to get some.
I am just curious and wanted to know, what kind of problems did your other birds have in the heat? I live in Ga and it gets hot and humid here too, but I have never had any problems except for when hens try to raise babies in the hot hot summertime.
I'd also like to know what problems you had with the heat. We all need to learn.

The Australorp is not endangered, but it is supposed to continue laying in the heat.

Buckeyes do very well here in our hot/humid KY summers, and equally well in the cold we sometimes get. They are on the ALBC list as Critical, and are heritage birds. They lay well, are personable, the cock birds are generally good tempered, and they are not flighty.

I love them. LMK if you want more info on the breed, happy to help.
You might see if you could email the SPPA honcho (name Charles Everett, IIRC) and ask his advice -- he lives in SC if I remember correctly. Contact info at http://www.feathersite.com/Poultry/SPPA/SPPA.html

would want to emphasize to him that you want docile nonagressive breed because you have kids -- I say this because his own tastes seem to run towards Asils and things like that.

Good luck, have fun,


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