Grace Berestecky
- Jun 11, 2017
- 4
- 1
- 9
Hi, I'm new to BYC and my name is Grace and my mom's name is Suzanne. We decided we wanted to raise chickens in our backyard. We just ordered today our baby chicks, five of them. Unfortunately, our coop we ordered can only hold up to 4 chickens, so we will have to give one up, unless one dies during the travel process. We ordered an Easter Egger, a White Maran, a Buff Brahma Bantam, a Golden Laced Wyandotte, and a Barred Plymouth Rock. We are getting our baby chicks in the mail July 17th or the 18th. I've been researching a lot about how to raise baby chicks, and read that you have to use a heating lamp 24/7 starting at 90 degrees the first two weeks and then reducing the temperature by 5 degrees each week until the chicks are about 5 weeks old or until the temperature is at 70 degrees. The only thing I'm wondering about is do I still need to keep the heating lamp on even if it is 80 degrees outside? Please let me know what I should do! Thanks!!