Heating question for the cold, cold winter coming


11 Years
Jun 15, 2008
South Dakota
I know that some people have been talking about an outlet or plug that is thermostatically controlled. If someone knows where I could get something like this please post.
Being a newbie myself, I'll be interested in reading the responses. But I was wondering if I read somewhere correctly that it's probably not a great idea to control the temperature too much in case there is a power outage and you don't have an immediate backup? The girls would be more sensitive to the temp change and die?

If that's the case... would a bare lightbulb work in a space that's about 4x6?

I'll definitely be watching the suggestions.
My problem is that it will be below zero for several days and that is the only reason to do this. Hopefully some else will chime in and let us know what is best.
I've read about people keeping chickens in Alaska that never heat their coops and never lose a bird. Wonder how they can manage this?

I don't use heat, but then, I don't like in SD!!
I do have large cracks in the floor of my old coop where the wind whips in, so I'm going with the DLM this year to see if this will protect from drafts and even generate a little heat from the organic material and decomposition of the litter. We do get zero weather on occasion here and my chooks haven't had any problems, even with the large combs.

There is a stove pipe hole in the roof of this coop, so these folks obviously heated it with coal or wood in the past. Of course, back then we had much colder winters in this area.

Other folks seem to think a light bulb's heat will help keep things more toasty in the coop.
Google "Thermo-Cube" or check them out on ebay. I'm gettting a couple of these myself. They have several different ones with different temperature ranges.


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