Hello first timmer!PICS!!!!! pic of brown eyed baby! Pg 5 or 6

Chicken Girl

11 Years
Dec 31, 2008
Ok so i have been a member for like 4 months? But this is my first time with a broody on eggs. Ok so my broody is on white leghorn pulet and buff cochin roo eggs. What do you all think the chickens characteristics (spelling?) Would be? I cant what to see! LOL What are the strongest genetic trats of the two types of birds?

My Buff Cochin Roo:

One of the White Leghorn Pulets:

Could you give me so ideas on what you might think they will look like? Thanks a bunch! And if you have pics of chickens breed with a buff cochin roo or leghorn pls post!

Chicken Girl
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I'm going to take a stab at this... lets see how little I've managed to learn from these very smart BYC genetics people

buff chicklets perhaps even white offspring
yellow legs
white skin
probably some leg feathers
straight combs
layers I think would lay brown eggs

can't wait to see what the experts have to say
Probably either white or buff or a combo of the two. Maybe they will hatch white and get color later. Probably look like a chunkier leghorn with small amt of feathering on their legs. They will probably be really cute.
I sure hope they are! LOL I cant what to seem! I just want an idea of the doment genetics of the two. PLS ceep posting your thoughts! Thanks!

Chicken Girl
I can't imagine what our broodies chicks will look like! she's a red and white mutt bird, and the daddy(s) could be Boogers the dominique, Romeo, the white silkie, or "Bertha" the red mutt roo that looks like a RIR mix, or all three!, but most likely most of the chicks will be Berthas" because he's the one that got hold of her most while she was laying, so they'll most likely be red chicks

keep us updated!
I will! I will post first time i see the chicks! LOL I hope they dont act like a leghorn:oops:
. I think they are mean. lol But GREAT! for eggs! Pls Ceep posting you thoughts!

Chicken Girl

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