Lady Lay

Dec 15, 2015
Hello my fellow hens and roosters

A little about me .... I grew up with Rhode Island Reds and Black Australorp....15 years later i'm getting back into it...my current family flock consist of 2 Silkies, a Coronation Sussex and a Speckled Sussex which unfortunately has turned into what looks like a rooster :( but today I went to an auction and came home with a pair i can not identify and 2 more hens which also im not sure of but they just tickled my fancy. If anyone can help I.D. these little guys I would really appreciate it. By the looks of it i have a lot of reading to do.

Welcome to BYC
You have some beautiful chickens there! I'd suggest you post a few pics of them in the What Breed Or Gender is This? forum section. Full body shots, showing the whole bird, would make identifying them easier. Enjoy the site!
Yes, do post on the "what breed or gender is this?" thread. It is very helpful if you label photos with bird's name or Chick 1, 2 3, whatever. Sometimes it's just several photos of one bird - all that gets confusing fast.

I see several cockerels - unless it's the same bird over and over. BYC also has "Australia, six states and one funny little island." thread - which will keep you in the loop for news in your area.

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