Hello from Northern Ireland


In the Brooder
Nov 21, 2015
Causeway Coast Northern Ireland
Hello, I haven't got my chickens yet, I only really want two as pets. They will be able to roam the garden but I have a run for them so they can get use two my two dogs and cats.

Hubby is building me a coop which is taking to long in my opinion and he never listened to what I asked for so he's had to jig stuff about 'typical man'.

I wanted Lemon Pyle Bramhas but he's made the coop too small so now I am looking at buff Orpington and buff Sussex.

Now we are coming into winter I'm wondering whether to leave till early spring as I'd like to spend some time with them. Any thoughts?
I think I would wait until spring. 1. It will be easier to find chicks and the transition from brooder to coop will be much easier then. If you aren't planning to start with chicks it probably wouldn't matter as long as you don't mind spending time outside getting used to them.
Yes I am kind of in the same situation, just found out one of mine is a roo and another might be- out of 3, so I'm looking for more and its very hard to do it at this time. I think I'll have to wait until spring. But Welcome to BYC!!
Hi and welcome to BYC! I think it may be better to wait until spring but with all the rain you have in your beautiful country i think ducks might be a better option

Spring would be better.

I wouldn't worry about you chickens getting used to cats and dogs. I would worry about keeping the dogs and cats away from the chickens. Everything loves to eat chickens - and they love to chase them. Dogs + chickens usually = dead chickens. Even pets - cats & dogs playing with them still = dead chickens. Fun for pets, not fun for chickens. They still end up DEAD. You never hear about chickens killing a dog or cat.

Most of our new members introductions start out with people saying their dog or cat killed their chicks, or massacred their laying flock etc. It's best if dogs-cats and chickens NEVER meet.

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