Robert Blosl
Rest in Peace 1947-2013
Hello: I am new to this web site but not new to chickens. I found my name on a post on this web site when I googled my name and you where talking about the Mohawk line of Rhode Island Red Large Fowl that I use to breed. I have retired from Large Fowl Mohawk Reds and and twenty years ago started a new line of Mohawk Rhode Island Red Bantams. After twenty years of shrinking them down two years ago I hit the jackpot of making a bantam Red look like my old large fowl. This year I am breeding this male back to his daughters to try to fix the type of this great male. I have two excellent sons from this male and shared two others with friends who want to breed this line. I raise Grey Call Ducks, Buff Brahma Bantams, White Leghron Bantams and White Plymouth Rock Bantams. I am currently the Secetaray of the Plymouth Rock Fanciers Club of America and put out a newsletter every three months to the members. I like to help beginners get started and try to get you with good breeders who want the color or breed of chickens you want. Look forward to visiting you on this site. This is a great web site for the hobby of back yard poutlry. Robert Blosl aka Red Man1 Mohawk V the orgin of the blood line 1929 from a bird purchased by Mrs. Donalson of Decatur Geogia from Maurace Wallace of Canada. Our Club Web Site and some of our newsletters are on it. Mohawk V the orgin of the blood line 1929 from a bird purchased by Mrs. Donalson of Decatur Geogia from Maurace Wallace of Canada. Our Club Web Site and some of our newsletters are on it.