Hello from western WA--- intro chick &coop pics


7 Years
May 14, 2012
I have been lurking here since before I even started preparing for chickens. My husband and I live on acreage in Western WA, about 30 minutes north of Seattle. I am a first time chicken “mom” to chicks who are now 5-6 weeks old. They are so amazing and I am so happy I decided to get into chicken keeping. We have six chickens right now: two EE’s, one buff orpington, one rhode island red, one unknown breed and one BLRW. Enjoy the pics and if you have some ideas of what breed Piggy is please feel free to drop me a line J. Also, we built our coop from blueprints we bought from thegardencoop.com
From the top to the bottom:
Ol' Blue (BLRW)
Bertha (EE)
Hawkeye (EE)
Buffy (Buff Orp)
Rhoda (rhode island red)
Piggy (???)

I hope they are all girls... time will tell.

Number three was sold to me as an Ameraucana, but from what I read she is probably what is considered an Easter Egger. Thanks for the welcome! It's so nice to find this community to share experiences and ideas!
Hello and :welcome

I can't help with your breed (I am no genius in that subject :lol:) but looks like you've got an answer already. Beautiful birds!!

Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have, and enjoy the site. :D
Beautiful chicks, lovely coop! Glad you joined us, enjoy the site!
Thanks everyone! What a warm welcome. I love BYC!

In regards to Piggy, after I checked out some Buff Brahma photos I realized she really does look like one, but she doesn't have feathered legs/feet. Maybe she's a mutt. Thats ok, I think she's pretty.

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