I am Lisa and new to BYC and excited about joining! I have two silkies and one bourbon red turkey, named Red, all pets. Red is a male and follows me around like a dog. Sometimes he gets quite aggressive. I am trying to let him know I am the boss turkey around here but not sure if he believes it!!
I have 9 eggs in the incubator at 8 days. It is hard to tell how they are doing but I see blood vessels in all... two look dead though. I removed 10 clear ones yesterday that were not fertile. The eggs are supposed to be a few frizzles sultans, polish or silkies and I have some that are lavender silkies. I hope I have a few hatch! I ordered them off Ebay and my luck is not good when getting them shipped so far away from Kentucky.
Once I find out how to add pictures, I'll put some on.
I've read a lot of helpful information on BYC; thank you for such a great place!
I have 9 eggs in the incubator at 8 days. It is hard to tell how they are doing but I see blood vessels in all... two look dead though. I removed 10 clear ones yesterday that were not fertile. The eggs are supposed to be a few frizzles sultans, polish or silkies and I have some that are lavender silkies. I hope I have a few hatch! I ordered them off Ebay and my luck is not good when getting them shipped so far away from Kentucky.
Once I find out how to add pictures, I'll put some on.
I've read a lot of helpful information on BYC; thank you for such a great place!