Hello, I'm a new member!

1 Critter Camp

6 Years
Aug 26, 2013
I am Lisa and new to BYC and excited about joining! I have two silkies and one bourbon red turkey, named Red, all pets. Red is a male and follows me around like a dog. Sometimes he gets quite aggressive. I am trying to let him know I am the boss turkey around here but not sure if he believes it!!

I have 9 eggs in the incubator at 8 days. It is hard to tell how they are doing but I see blood vessels in all... two look dead though. I removed 10 clear ones yesterday that were not fertile. The eggs are supposed to be a few frizzles sultans, polish or silkies and I have some that are lavender silkies. I hope I have a few hatch! I ordered them off Ebay and my luck is not good when getting them shipped so far away from Kentucky.

Once I find out how to add pictures, I'll put some on.

I've read a lot of helpful information on BYC; thank you for such a great place!
Greetings from Kansas, Lisa, and
! Great to have you with us! Good luck taming that turkey...I have one that is the same way - he is quite stubborn! On the incubating you might seek some advice in the link below. Good luck and happy hatching!


I think Red needs a girl turkey. My friend just lost her favorite hen to her male turkey who killed it probably trying to breed it. Some people also believe chickens can spread "black head" disease to turkeys.
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!

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