Hello poultry world!!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 17, 2012
I have always had chickens running around my farm. However, recently my son decided to show a chicken in our local fair. He was show rabbits and pigs for 6 years, but never poultry. We decided to give incubating a try and it is really kicking my butt!! First we were given an incubator that wouldn’t heat above 95 so nothing hatched. Then we decided to buy one and it wouldn’t heat above 80. We returned it and got a working one. However, tonight when we candled the eggs we couldn’t see any air sacs at all. I’m starting to think that we weren’t meant to do poultry.
Don't worry it happens to everyone, can you buy chicks at your local feed store? If you do they're first week temperature should be 90-95 degrees F and goes down by 5 degrees F each week.

I hope you get chickens again!

Welcome to BYC, you can get some great incubating tips on here
from Alabama. Glad you joined us. So sorry to hear that you've had a rough time with your hatches. Definitely don't give up yet - a lot of people have rotten luck to start with, but it does get better. Have you checked out the Incubating & Hatching section?
Hello and :welcome

Everyone has to start somewhere, I guess it's part of the learning process. Best of luck from hereon in, if you decide to continue. I'm sure you'll do great once you get the hang of it! :)
Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have, and enjoy the site! :D
Hello and welcome to BYC. Hope you get some chicks soon! Do check out the "Incubating & Hatching" section. Lots of great tips there.
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

If the incubator you bought was a Little Giant, they are notorious for being difficult to regulate. If you check in the Incubating section of the Forum, there is a thread dedicated to helping people with LG's. My personal advice would be to get a better incubator.

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