Jun 6, 2020 #2 casportpony 🦚🦆🦃🐔 BYC Staff Project Manager Premium Feather Member 12 Years Jun 24, 2012 146,278 439,263 2,432 The Golden State Welcome to BYC. Can you post more pictures?
Jun 6, 2020 #3 NatJ Enabler 7 Years Mar 20, 2017 18,975 43,779 1,076 USA There are a few kinds of chicken that naturally have featherless necks. Does it look like the chick photos and video here? https://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/turkens_naked_necks.html
There are a few kinds of chicken that naturally have featherless necks. Does it look like the chick photos and video here? https://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/turkens_naked_necks.html
Jun 6, 2020 Thread starter #6 R rei Hatching Jun 6, 2020 4 3 3 yes it looks like the chikens in the video. the skin looks a little irritated but i think it will get better.Thankyou!
yes it looks like the chikens in the video. the skin looks a little irritated but i think it will get better.Thankyou!
Jun 6, 2020 #7 JacinLarkwell Wrangler Premium Feather Member Mar 19, 2020 37,475 112,368 1,501 South-Eastern Montana Is she a turken/Naked neck? That's what they look like right from hatch
Jun 6, 2020 #8 casportpony 🦚🦆🦃🐔 BYC Staff Project Manager Premium Feather Member 12 Years Jun 24, 2012 146,278 439,263 2,432 The Golden State Sometimes they will hatch with swollen necks like that. It should go away in a few days.
Jun 6, 2020 #9 B BlueBaby Chick hatching addict. 8 Years Mar 21, 2016 22,610 128,993 1,612 Someplace near Phoenix, Arizona It's a Naked Neck that has a bib. I have a flock of them, and I'm in the middle of hatching out more. Mine don't have the feathering on the leg's and feet though.
It's a Naked Neck that has a bib. I have a flock of them, and I'm in the middle of hatching out more. Mine don't have the feathering on the leg's and feet though.
Jun 6, 2020 #10 JacinLarkwell Wrangler Premium Feather Member Mar 19, 2020 37,475 112,368 1,501 South-Eastern Montana Where did you get the egg? It's probably a mixed breed because of the feet