

May 23, 2017
United States
My Coop
My Coop
Hello! I just posted a wrong description :lau I just wanted to say hi, and I am excited to meet everyone. I am expecting on getting chicks in June. It took me too long to join this website and I cannot wait to meet everyone. I have owned chickens in the past, and I am ready to jump back on the chicken train :)
*And thank you for the breed recommendations, I will probably start a thread elsewhere. :oops:
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Black Australorp, Barred Rock, and buff Orpington are the ones for you!

  1. Hi there! You can call me CC! I decided not to put my real name out there. Welcome to BYC! I hope you enjoy it; I know I do. I am a homeschooler, working on having a homestead, and I own a farming blog with my sister.
  2. www.bootsandchickenpoop.wix.com/mysite

    I love the song "Fearless" (I forgot who it's from! :lol:), I love the country and Tennessee. I have a bunny, 12 chickens, 2 ducks, 4 cats, 2 dogs and one Fancy Goldfish. (I don't think I'm forgetting anyone! :lau)

    My phone has been going a little wacky, so it might look weird! :p

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