HELP. 3 day old pekin. Swollen hard belly. Constant crying!!


5 Years
Aug 23, 2014
She started non stop crying today. There is nothing I can do to sooth her. Her belly is swollen and bald. She had a little pasty butt so I cleaned her off with a warm towel and soaked her bottom in warm water. I have other ducks but have never experienced this.
Go to the front page of backyard chicken and type in pasty butt there is a lot of information there to review in the present keep thee vent clean and lubucated.
I have been thinking ,I know she is young so you will need to stay with her in this suggestion/ get a pot of warm water let her swim while you keep a eye on her. I think this might relived some of the pain and she might pass poo in the warm water : be sure and dry her good.
I wonder if she could take something like mineral oil or cod liver oil or even olive oil and squirt a bit up into it's vent might loosen things up some after letting it soak in some warm water. Or try to get it to eat some very soupy feed with some olive oil mixed in to try to get things moving.

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