HELP! Baby Chick and Momma Hen vs Mean Vicious Hen


5 Years
Apr 16, 2014
Today my chicks are 3 days old, only one is staying with Momma hen outside in the coop. This morning I am troubled by one of my other hens (normally a little mean anyways). This hen is **** determined to jump on Momma hen and her baby. I have pulled her off Momma hen 3 times but she just keeps coming back to jump on her! I'm scared for the baby chick, but I don't wanna take the chick away from Momma hen if I don't have to. My coop wiring currently has a few holes that are not allowing me to lock out the mean hen in the yard. So my question is what do I do?! I can either 1) bring baby chick inside with the other abandoned chick, 2) bring Momma hen and baby chick inside into a covered kennel, or 3) do I need to find a way to afford fixing these pesky holes in the wiring?
How do you recommend doing that? Ive got 4 hens that stay inside one coop. plus the baby chick.
I dont have either. My chickens free roam the yard except at night they all gather in the coop. Are you suggesting I put her in the kennel? she cant roam that way so ill have to give her feed. And how long would I keep her in there?
Since you can't seem to conveniently quarantine the bully hen, I guess you'll either have to let nature take it's course and hope she doesn't kill the chick, or, take it inside with the other chick and raise it until it's old enough to survive on it's own.

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