HELP!! bobble headed silkie chick :(


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 6, 2008
I was wondering if anyone can help me on this one ?the chick is about 2 months and it bobbles its head it seems more and more? I noticed a few where I got him from were doing that to! is this an illness, disease, or lack of some mineral and vitamins??? he is with 2 other younger ones that are NOT doing this.
You can try giving extra vitamins and making sure you are giving them good chick starter. But bobble head, perhaps they are bobbing because they can't see? Or if it is neurological, very possible in silkies to get bumped or pecked on the head resulting in brain damage.
You can also order some AviaCharge 2000 (online from McMurry) and in addition to that try three drops of POLYVISOL Enfamil (no iron) in beak for a week...
thanks for your help
I think its a vitamin inbalance I think they might have been put on chicken grower to soon that is still what they are on.
I think they were fed mixed duck and goose starter for a while to before I got them!. I am giving them boiled egg mashed, and fresh grass I chop up with scissors

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