HELP - CA Chicken Turning Head - What kind of vitamins and Electrolytes?


6 Years
Feb 5, 2013
Hi - we are in Southern California and it is hot and dry! A hen we adopted a few weeks ago has been doing great but today we went in the yard and her head is twisted to the side...tilting down. We just gave her some water with a dropper. However, I read we should give her some vitamins and electrolytes. What kind? WI have some VetRx for Poultry Remedy (colds) but I don't know...? We have a total of 12 hens (including her) and several weeks ago we adopted her (a 80 year women who had raised her from a chick was moved to private care from her home...and we took her lovely hen...she is about 3-4 years old.) She has been in a private coop for the past several weeks having a good time with one other hen she lived with (we also took in with her...). I read on threads that it may be she needs water, food, vitamins...Please guide me what to get...although it is 4:27 pm here so I will need to hustle...her eyes are okay. Everything else looks good...except her head tilts and she cannot hold it up. Thank you for caring!! Look forward to your input and guidance.
Hope you have made some progress with giving her some vitamins or just vitamin E. I have silkies and they require vitamins. I normally just mix in 4-5 drops of Poly Vi Sol children vitamin in with yogurt or cottage cheese to make the vitamin easier to eat. I hope you have separated her from the other chickens and watch her eat. Good luck.
This is known as wry neck, crook neck, torticollis, and in the case of vitamin deficiency, encephalomalacia. It can due to a head injury especially in breeds with vaulted skulls such as silkies and Polish, and can also be due to diseases such as Mareks, newcastles (which is rare in the US), and other diseases. About the only things you can do for it is to place her in a quiet area where she won't get hurt, lessen the noise, and give her vitamin B1, E, and selenium. Click on this link for more info:
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Thank you all so much... And please keep info coming this is very insightful. She is resting as I write. Our local feed store had some poultry electrolytes by save-a-chick. It is in a powder form -- one packet is mixed with 1 gallon water...with vitamins. We held her and gave her several ml in a syringe. ..she swallowed and then we made a paste of mash (wet food) and she nips ar it. We have done this at 6:00 with rest for two hours and then again at 8pm. we will check on her again. it was very dry and warm a result of Santa Anas. She was fine when she came out this morning...although we noticed her watering area had turned. She is very laid back. Most of our hens will work almost a 1/4 acre...all over. Not her, since she arrived she has stayed close to the house and by our duck village. She is a Barrred Rock (Hershey) and she lives with a sweet Cochin (Sparkles). I will read through everythting and stay posted. Thank YOU - I appreciate your counsel.
I know it may be didficult to say but any thoughts when we may start to see results? or, how do we know she is headed in an improving position? what should we be looking for?
I haven't treated wry neck, but if you look through threads on BYC about it, you will see there are good outcomes and bad outcomes. Most people will treat it for a period of time, but the most important thing is the reason why they are having this problem. Sometimes they will recover from injuries, but if it is because of a disease, they may never recover. The key is to narrow down the cause. Here are 2 of the most popular wry neck threads to read:
also it is clear I need help to insure in my flee to get nouriahment and electrolytes that I did not overdue it...and create an aspiration issue. she aewms ro be fine...but I gave her several ml holding her beak...and putting the fluid down with a syringe. ..the good news she did eat (side ways) On her own a little when we put it close...she is resrinf quietly.
good morning. she is still resting in a cool and low light neigsbor is a vet and he recommends I consider prendisone. he works primarily with dogs and cats. I do understand prendisone and tapering. My daughter had to have it several times and I have for pneumonia. please share what if you have used...amount.., timetable.
Many people use the prednisone if they can get it. Here is an except from the browneggblueegg link in post #4:
My Treatment for Crookneck

If started before symptoms get severe, the bird will totally recover. The following is for an adult about 2 pound bird. Scale back for smaller birds. Do not over do the selenium; it is toxic in large amounts. Animals are more tolerant of vitamin E especially and of vitamin B.
  • For the first week I give
    • Once a day
      • About 1/4 piece of human vitamin B complex pill or a squirt of human B liquid vitamins
      • :25 micrograms selenium
    • Twice a day
      • 2.5 mg of prednisone
      • 400 IU of vitamin E
  • For the second week I give
    • Once a day
      • 2.5 mg of prednisone
      • 400 IU of vitamin E
      • About 1/4 piece of human vitamin B complex pill or a squirt of human B liquid vitamins
    • Every other day
      • :25 micrograms selenium
  • For the third and following weeks I give
    • Once a day
      • 2.5 mg of prednisone - less and less each day - none after third week
      • 400 IU of vitamin E
      • A piece of human vitamin B complex pill or a squirt of human liquid vitamins
    • Once a week
      • :25 micrograms selenium

Do not abruptly stop prednisone, the swelling rebounds. Decrease the dose gradually. Recovery can be slow; continue the vitamin E for several weeks at least.

You can get prednisone from a vet; just describe the problem of swelling in the brain probably due to injury. Yes Silkies' brains do stick out through a hole on the top of the skull. Print the pictures at Silkies Have a Hole in Their Head and show them to your vet.

Your vet might suggest a different anti inflammatory like Celebrex or Metacam.

You can get the vitamin E, selenium, and vitamin B complex or liquid vitamins at any pharmacy.

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