Help! Chick Illness newbie!


May 9, 2021
Help! I had a 5w old chick die yesterday morning- still haven’t been able to figure out what happened. But now I’m being hyper watchful and I noticed one of my BCM acting a bit slow and lethargic. While all the others are eating and moving around, she is laying on the ground or roost. No panting or anything, and no abnormal poops found in the coop.
I put her in a plastic tote and she’s not eating or drinking- not even the scrambled egg I put in. I put some “rooster booster” in the water. The barn is 75 degrees.

There are 19 chicks in a barn stall right next to my 12 adult chickens. They’re separated by wall and chicken wire. Their conditions are the same and they both eat green mountain feed. All the adults appear healthy.

Do I do corid? I‘m a total novice with any of this stuff. I also have nutridrench I could use. I have powdered 20% corid- how do I even use it and should I do it for all the chicks and the adults?

Thank you!!
Can you post some photos of the chick and her poop?

If you are going to treat for Coccidiosis using Powdered Corid, the dose is 1 1/2 tsp per gallon of water given for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Eliminate the rooster booster, pnd or any other extra supplements that contain B1 (Thiamine) during the course of Corid treatment.

Make sure she's drinking well, if she's not, then syringe fluids into her.
Do look her over for any injury, lice/mites and see that her crop is emptying as well.

Corid is mild and won't hurt the other chicks if you choose to go ahead and treat them too.
She seems better today- she hopped right out of the tote this morning when I opened the lid and joined the rest of flock. She never really ate in the crate (even the scrambled egg) but started pecking at the food when she got out. Now I can even tell her apart from the other 2 BCM. I’m still glad we are doing the corid treatment, just in case, especially since we had a mystery death last weekend.

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