Help! Chick with convulsions and thick saliva


In the Brooder
May 30, 2021
I have a 11 week old Plymouth blue rock chick, Blue, who has begun shaking her and having convulsions. I have also discovered her saliva is very thick.
She was fine a few hours ago, playing like my other chicks. And then I noticed she was acting weird. I assumed it was signs of a heat stroke, so I put her feet in cold water and got her underside wet. Weirdly it hasn’t been any hotter than any other days.
I was able to get about 2 mL of Powerade into her and she showed a little interest in eating before falling back asleep. Her convulsions seem to happen when she’s worked up or bothered. Other than that she she sleeps.

Any suggestions or help would be much appreciated.


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She seems to be gasping for air and struggling to breathe. And her convulsion seem violent. But she only seems that way when she has the convulsions. I’ve put VetRX on her beak in hopes it would break up some of the thick saliva.
Anyone with suggestions?
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I’m still hoping for any help. She’s survived the night but clearly gasping for air now and convulsing more than yesterday. Thick saliva seems to be in the throat.
She’s still being rubbed in VetRX hoping it will thin the salvia and help her breathe. She’s such a good bird I really hate to lose her.
Can you please get a video of her actions?
Upload video to youtube and provide a link.

Is her crop emptying overnight?
I will keep trying to upload my video to YT (it’s very slow).
Shes shaking her head so much so that it makes her loose balance and then she gasps for air after. She usually does it for a minute or so before laying down or staying and sleeping. Still raising her head to breathe. You can also hear gurgling sounds from her mouth. She looks pitiful. I’m afraid to give her liquids because I fear I’ll choke her or cause it to go into her lungs.
I’m giving her until this afternoon before putting her down. I hate to see an animal suffer, which if why I’m looking for some help
This is her this morning. Poor thing

Also the red is from the poweraid I gave her. She got it everywhere. It’s not blood.
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Is it possible she got into something poisonous in her coop/run?
From the first photo in post #1, it looks like your birds are in the grass of your yard. Has the yard recently been treated with any herbicides or insecticides??
Is it possible she got into something poisonous in her coop/run?
From the first photo in post #1, it looks like your birds are in the grass of your yard. Has the yard recently been treated with any herbicides or insecticides??
They are in a cage in the garage and I keep that as clean as I can with having chicks in it. As far as the yard they are in it daily as long as they are able to be in it and the yard was fertilized close to a month ago and they weren’t in it until 2 days after and it had been raining. We also had our yard sprayed with Talstar but again they were in the garage for a few days after.
She was fine all day yesterday until about 6 pm when I found her. It appeared she’d just started acting weird then.
Nothing has been used recently, which makes her symptoms even more sudden and unexpected.

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