HELP!! Chicken with blue feet and paralysis


7 Years
May 26, 2012
I recently found a chicken tonight and she could not walk and had slightly labored breathing. Her feet and legs were blue. She is drinking water, but I am worried that it is marek's disease. I have seperated her from the rest of the flock. Is there any way that I can save her? Or at least make it better for her? Should I get some vaccinations for the rest of my flock? What was so bad was that this was all of a sudden. Within three hours this happened.
Can you describe her legs--is one or both paralyzed, or can she move her toes when you touch them? Could she have been poisoned or ate something that could have given her botulism? Botulism is from eating dead animals, fish or decayed vegetation or maggots. Do her wings move, or is her neck weak or head droopy? Heart failure will cause skin to look pale or blue, and that is better seen on combs.
Sorry this is so late but it has been a busy day. UPDATE: She layed an egg early this morning and has been able to walk around a bit. She is separated from the rest of the flock because I don't want them to peck her to death. When she stands on her legs for awhile, her legs and butt start to shake as if she is shivering. But it is 90 or above here right now. I got some probiotics and electrolytes and put these in her waterer. She is drinking but not eating anything. She looks much more alive than last night, so I am hoping that this is passing.
Thanks everyone for the replies.
I don't think that that is what she has. Her legs were like an aqua blue but they are looking much healthier today.

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