animal magnet

7 Years
Aug 4, 2012
the dogs got into my chickens and my brave little silkie rooster let the hens get away and stood against my 2 labs. I came out to find him looking dead but i got closer and saw that he was breathing so i picked him up and brought him inside. he has no skin left on his neck at all and he isn't talking and usually he talks alot. his throat looks fine but his wattles are bleeding and if they bit his neck they probably got his throat at the same time. please please help he is my favorite chicken i realize theres not much hope but i need to try everything i can to save him.
All I can suggest is using antiseptic cream on the neck wound, my broody attacked her chick and pulled it's skin off and I put baby nappy antiseptic cream on the wound and kept cleaning it and re-applying. Then feed him sugared water with a tonic if you can, to try and feed him and boost him up a little. I again do this with chicks that are injured or had a bad hatch.
If he is in shock - gaping mouth, wings spread, panting, staring, quiet and stiff, then he is probably in pain. I took my chicken who was in shock to a vet and they gave it pain relief and fluid which got her better. If not a vet, maybe research if you can give the Roo some pain killers in water and syringe it down his neck? If he is dying, you have nothing to lose. Keep him warm :)

Good Luck. Let me know how you get on x
Is he able to lift his head? If so then he has a chance. If not they may have broken his neck. If he can respond at all you need to start a chicken ICU. Get him in a warm quiet place so he can get over the shock. Check on him frequently and talk to him so he knows he's not alone. Once he's over the shock clean his wounds with warm water and soap. Apply a topical antibiotic. You need to make sure he is getting enough water. You may have to give him water with an eye dropper. Make sure he is swallowing the water as he may have neurological damage. You can give him more nutrients with vitamins in the water. I also mix a little well ground mash in the water I am hand feeding with. The parrot baby hand feeding formula works well for this. You get get this at pet stores that sell birds. If you can't get this use chick starter as it has more nutrients and usually some antibiotics to help prevent septic shock. If he is your favorite and you can afford it a visit to a vet specializing in birds could help. The most important thing is keep him warm and check for infection frequently. I had a roo I pulled through a dog attack and thought was doing well only to find he had a bad infection at the wound site a few weeks later. He died of septic shock. I have been successful in saving dog attack victims so there is hope if the dogs haven't shaken him and broken his neck. The best thing for him now is good nursing care which is you watching him carefully, keeping him warm and hand feeding him until he can eat on his own. Don't return him to the flock until he is fully recovered as chickens will peck a sick chicken to death. I have been an RN and a chicken keeper for over 30 years and this advice usually recovers the patient both human and chicken.
Don't use peroxide on the wounds it actually makes the wounds harder to heal. Warm soap and water is the best. You can use antibacterial soap if you have it otherwise plain soap is good. Hope he recovers for you.
he can lift his head but i have to help him sometimes i used a little bit of dawn and warm water with a eye dropper and then rinsed it with regular warm water i have been putting pellets in his beak and then he swallows them i need to move him though because he can hear the dogs right now.
he started making a little bit of noise and walked a couple of very slow steps now hes just sitting in front of the fireplace taking a nap i think ill let him rest for a bit before force more food and water

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