Help duck feet blister how to treat ?


In the Brooder
Dec 25, 2015
My duck is about 8 mos old now . He flew out of the bathtub and lands akwardely sometimes . I try to avoid him flying out . He has a fine size shadow on his webbing . It's now a bubble and warm to tne touch with a little skin flap . He had a warm bath and is now resting on clean towels on the bed he has that leg up and tucked away while sleeping . What can I do ? The vet warned about the feet . She's no less then 200 see .... Thank you for any help that will help the ducky !!
It's only on the webbing not anywhere else . Let me see if I can figure out how to post a pic . It's like a little blister you can feel the bubble and it's warm to the touch .
My duck is about 8 mos old now . He flew out of the bathtub and lands akwardely sometimes . I try to avoid him flying out . He has a fine size shadow on his webbing . It's now a bubble and warm to tne touch with a little skin flap . He had a warm bath and is now resting on clean towels on the bed he has that leg up and tucked away while sleeping . What can I do ? The vet warned about the feet . She's no less then 200 see .... Thank you for any help that will help the ducky !!
Looks almost like a blood blister. could he have gotten his foot stepped on or stuck somewhere? I'd soak the foot in warm Epsom salt water blot dry and apply some antibiotic salve neosporin or triple antibiotic keep him for being in dirt, mud or poop till healed. Veterycin spray from wounds and infection is another good thing to use.

@Amykins use to work for a vet maybe she can give some advise.
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