HELP!! (FIRST TIME CHICK MOM) baby bantam chick woobly and unbalanced!!

Botsford Family

In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 7, 2013
I am hoping you guys can help me out. I have a bantam chick who is about 2 weeks old. Yesterday she starting wobbling and falling over while she was walking. She constantly sits back on her legs and is having a hard time standing up. When she trys to walk she falls over and backwards and sits down.

I bought some electrolytes and probiotics to give her. Once she ate and drink a little bit yesterday and seemed to be doing better. But today when I woke up she was belly up in the cage and nearly gave me a heart attack!! She is almost worst compared to yesterday.

I've put her in a separate box within the cage so that the others don't walk all over her and we feed her some water and food by hand and eye dropper. She's been sleeping at lot too.

I have no idea what is wrong with her and this is my families' first time raising baby chicks and we just hope we aren't losing her

any information would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!
We had the same situation recently. I believe it is called star gazing. Everything you have done is great! The only thing I would add would be some Poultry Nutri-Drench. I believe the condition is caused by the mother hen having a lack of vitamins, which is passed onto the chick.

Hope this helps!!

Thank you so much. I am going to try and find that stuff to buy that you are talking about.
The only thing is my chick really isn't looking up like the one in the video so I'm trying to figure out what else ot could be.

Botsford Family! And I agree with TTracy.
I am hoping you guys can help me out. I have a bantam chick who is about 2 weeks old. Yesterday she starting wobbling and falling over while she was walking. She constantly sits back on her legs and is having a hard time standing up. When she trys to walk she falls over and backwards and sits down.

I bought some electrolytes and probiotics to give her. Once she ate and drink a little bit yesterday and seemed to be doing better. But today when I woke up she was belly up in the cage and nearly gave me a heart attack!! She is almost worst compared to yesterday.

I've put her in a separate box within the cage so that the others don't walk all over her and we feed her some water and food by hand and eye dropper. She's been sleeping at lot too.

I have no idea what is wrong with her and this is my families' first time raising baby chicks and we just hope we aren't losing her

any information would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Keep giving her electrolytes and probiotics. These following treatments have been reported to be fairly effected:
Trimethoprim Sulfa
Vitamin B 12 to strengthen the nervous system
Enhanced nutrition to correct any nutritional deficiencies
Hope it helps!

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