Help ID weird night bird in Ohio, please!


Free Ranging
18 Years
Jan 26, 2007
central Ohio
This bird's calls woke me up at 4:15AM today.. I wondered if it could've been a Whippoorwill? I have heard their recorded calls but never a real one, maybe it was some variation? It was one down-slurred note, followed by three up-slurred notes. Over and over. Sounded sort of like a puppy yelping, but I know it was a bird. It moved around once or twice in our woods. I don't think it was an owl, though I know they can make different sounds. We have several acres of woods, a pond, and a 7 acre wetland at the rear. We are surrounded by farm fields. Can anyone help me figure out what this was? We are a little far North for a Whipporwill, but it has been hot the past couple of days....
Chuck Will's Widow maybe...I will research that. Night hawk, screech owl, mourniing dove are all common birds here and I know their calls, this is not one of them.

Could it have been a coyote pup? I have travelled on interstate 70 through Ohio and have seen coyote's in the cornfields along the road west of Columbus. . .Since you said it sounded like a pup yelp.
Are you sure it's a bird? I was riding in the woods one day and heard a common sound that I always thought was a bird. A friend informed me it was a FROG! Some naturalist I am.

<Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.

Chief Seattle>

I know it's off topic, but chickenmania's sig line/quote is just so relevant.
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