Help identifying sex!


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2018
Denton, Texas
We have 5.5 week old chicks we got from Tractor Supply. Calling all chicken experts to help identify sex. First pic is Noodle. It is a Buff Orpington, and I am certain he is a rooster. Please prove me wrong. Ha! 2nd and 3rd are both Barred Rock and I am uncertain. I think pullets, but I may be wrong.

Collage 2018-04-09 16_05_50_1523308290854.jpg
Collage 2018-04-09 16_12_31_1523308363694.jpg
Collage 2018-04-09 16_14_08_1523308456271.jpg
Noodle does look to be a cockerel based on his larger red comb and wattles especially the reddening before 6 weeks. oreo and napoleon are both pullets! BR pullets are much darker compared to BR roos. Congrats!

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