Help Id'ing a breed


Mar 17, 2016
Ok, so I ordered some chicks about 5 weeks ago, I was SUPPOSED to get Buff orpington's, Gold Star's, Black Australorps, and Barred Rocks. Well, I only recieved 1 Barred rock for sure and have 7 mystery birds. They all have a slight gold tinge to their feathers around their necks and all black faces and combs....They aren't very people orientated like the Gold Star's or Orph's, and even worse than the Australorps...
I've been told possibly Black Sex link, but the hatchery I got them from doesn't advertise Sex Link's but do advertise Asian Blacks. All the pictures I see of Asian Black's have red combs also...
Please help!....
What color are the feet? Look at bottom of foot and decide if yellow or white. White when young will show pink.

Yellow skin is a black sex link. White skin is a Copper Marans.
Thanks Peeps
, I'll check their feet when I get home....

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