- Jan 19, 2009
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My pullets are 8 weeks old now. They have a fine coop with a roost and three nesting boxes. At night they all pile into one of the boxes. I haven't put straw in the boxes yet because I know they are too young to lay. I have a Barred Rock, an Australorpe, 2 Arucanas, a Salmon Favorelle and a Rose Comb Leghorn. They are getting big and I'm worried they'll suffocate one another if they continue this habit. Also, I'm afraid they won't use the boxes for laying their eggs when the time comes. Today I made a board to put across the nesting boxes so they can't get in, but I don't know if this is the right thing to do. They also all pile in whenever they are frightened. They have a nice run with access to the coop, so they are in and out all day long. Any suggestions??