HELP - Lethargic Baby Hens


7 Years
Jan 1, 2013
Williamston, SC
I have adult hens and I just purchased 6 baby hens at Tractor Supply. They are in between feathers and fuzz. BUT they are not active, they act like they have a hard time walking. I have put sugar in their water and wet their food. I don't know what else to day. I don't have paper towels on my shavings, maybe that is why? Any ideas please let me know. I have had them 3 or 4 weeks now, and I just feel terrible. I change their water daily. I have them in a dog crate for a very large dog. I have a light on them for heat. They are in my laundry room so it isn't breezy. Thanks
Maybe they aren't getting enough oxygen? Is the crate enclosed or open? If they are in a closed off laundry room, and in a closed crate, it's possible.
At that age, they won't need to walk on paper towels. Are they having any other symptoms? Diarrhea? Were they eating well before? Did you switch food? I would put electrolytes in their water instead of sugar. The sugar is really for day old-3 day old chicks. Tractor Supply has the 'Chick Saver' electrolyte packets. Have they been like this the entire time you've had them? When did they start having symptoms? If you could give us more info, we may be able to help more.
My chicks will be 10 weeks tomorrow and its time for them to join my 2 big girls. I've had them outside in a run so the big girls couldn't get at them but they could meet through the fence. I'm nervous about bullying from the big girls. Suggestions? I've done everything I've read but if someone has another trick that will help them play nice I would love to hear about it!
They could be too hot, if there is not a lot of wind movement and a lot of heat, you may want to turn off the light and see what happens.
I was going to take them outside for a bit today but it is pouring down rain. The crate is open. I will move them to my son's room and see how they do in there. I never realized chicks were so sensitive. I am also going to treat them for Cochni something. Maybe it is just me being paranoid. I just thought they would be running around the crate scratching and chirping and being happy little chicks. LOL
Thanks so much for the posts. I will keep you informed.

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