Help me identify my chicks - all are bantams.


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 19, 2008
American Fork, UT
So I picked up some chicks at my feed store. All are bantams. Some I have an idea, but others I have no clue. Anyone want to guess? Would love your ideas!

1. I have no idea. Legs are feathered.

same chick

2. Silver Hamburg?

3. RIR?

4. Mille Fleur D'uccle?

5. No idea

same chick

6. No idea

7. Porcelain D'uccle?

8. No idea. Legs are clean

same chick
Way to young to know for sure but I'll put in my guess.
#1 Milli Fleur d'Uccle
#2 Silver Laced ?
#3 new hampshire
#4 Cochin
#5 blue dutch
#6 barred rock
#7 Cochin
#8 easter egger
I got chicks last year from the feed store, and my little Mille Fleur d'Uccle was not red, she was a light honey color, very pretty, and the color wasn't too far off from what she is now. I have to say that the first guess ventured is right. And I don't think no#4 is a d'Uccle, though I'm no expert! They are all absolutely precious though. Can't wait to see what my feed store has to offer this year. I got really poor quality and mixed breed chicks last year, but I love every one of them, and the Sexlinks I bought couldn't be better girls if they tried. They are so personable and I adore them. I'll have to be good and try to avoid the feed store this year as I have close to 60 eggs in the bators now!
1. Dark Brahma
2. Silver Sebright or Silver Laced OE, did you get them from Ideal? Does it have a SC or RC?
3. RIR bantam(not 100% sure)
4. Partridge Cochin
5. Bantam EE
6. Black OE, Birchen OE or BR OE, Black Jap or Gray Jap
7. Porcelain D'Uccle
8. Bantam EE
I will give you a 100% accuracy on all of them except #3
#1 Mille Fluer D'Uccle OR EE
#2 Silver Sebright
#3 RIR (too dark to be NHR)
#4 Red or Partridge Cochin
#5 Lavender something, not Cochin not Polish not Silkie
#6 Maybe a Black Rosecomb?
#7 White or Lavender Cochin
#8 EE (little muff coming in on this one, isn't there?)

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